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OnePlanet Launchpad Tutorial - HellCats

HellCats RandomBox Launchpad

Welcome to the club, Troublemaker
HellCats are a community of 2,500 randomly generated Troublemakers living on the Polygon Blockchain. Gain access to the clubhouse and our exclusive community by holding a Troublemaker and join our journey as we Raise Hell in web3. Learn more about the Re-mint on Polygon

 RandomBox Stage Info

Whitelist Stage 1

Jan 20 20:00 - 23:00 UTC
Unit Price
150 USDC
Guaranteed-mint whitelisted community members
Mint Cap
2 per wallet (1 WL = 2 HellCats)

Whitelist Stage 2

Jan 20 23:00 - Jan 21 2:00 UTC
Unit Price
200 USDC
Remainings from Stage 1
Whitelisted community members; FCFS
Mint Cap
2 per wallet (1 WL = 2 HellCats)

 RandomBox Mint Guide

Before the Mint:
Please make sure you have MetaMask Wallet ready
Please make sure you have minimum amount of MATIC to pay gas fees
Please check whether you have a Whitelist role (especially whether you’ve submitted the Metamask wallet address)
** If you are minting on mobile, we strongly recommend you to use MetaMask in app browser when using the launchpad. (Especially if you are using Android devices.)  How to use the MetaMask Mobile Browser
** We highly recommend you to use only one device (mobile or pc) for the mint due to the possibility of having “Internal JSON-RPC Error” on MetaMask
MetaMask Internal JSON-RPC Error

1. Connect Wallet on OnePlanet

Only MetaMask is available on OnePlanet now.
For further instructions on connecting wallet, check our Guidemap page

2. Access to Minting Page

3. Set the Mint Supply and press Mint now

You can set the Mint Supply up to each stage’s Mint Cap.
❊ If you don’t have any Whitelist role, ‘Not on Whitelist’ button will show on the Whitelist Mint stage. Check WL role info

4. Approve Currency (USDC)

HellCats NFT can only be minted with USDC. If this is the first time you are using USDC on OnePlanet, you need to approve the currency at least once and it requires you to pay a small amount of gas fee with MATIC. *Learn more about [Currency approval]
[Tip] For your smoother minting, you may approve the currency before the launchpad starts on Upcoming Launchpad Detail Page.
The button will appear on the page a few hours before the launchpad starts.

5. Confirm the mint by paying the Mint Price and Transaction fee (Gas fee)

If you’ve approved USDC on OnePlanet, ‘Confirm Mint’ message and MetaMask Notification for sigining gas fee(transaction fee) will appear. You have to pay for gas fee in MATIC in order to proceed.
On Polygon network, only ‘MATIC’ is acceptable for gas fees. When you make transactions, such as transferring or purchasing an NFT, you will need a little MATIC for the associated gas fees. (Polygon Gas Tracker)
When the confirmation is completed, TxHash and a message that Random Minting in progress will show. Please be aware that the minting can take some time!

6. Check your My Page after the Minting is completed

When the Minting is completed, You will get an notification to check your My Page.
You may see your minted NFTs on your collected tab. It may show ‘Bringing from blockchain’ message if an NFT is still being minted, and the featured image will show after when its minting process is completed.

7. Trade your HellCats NFT on OnePlanet!

Secondary market trading will open at the same time the mint starts.
If you minted HellCats NFTs, you can list your NFT on OnePlanet right after!

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