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Derby Stars Launch Pack - Reveal Tutorial

Reveal Date: August 7th, 12AM UTC
Alpha Launch Pack is a limited edition NFT created to celebrate the launch of Derby Stars.
It includes a commemorative teddy bear costume, a non-tradable horse with a unique design, and a large amount of $CRT, a utility token that can be used in-game.
Get your Launch Pack and receive multiple in-game items that will enhance your Derby Stars experience and make it more enjoyable!

  How to Reveal Your Alpha Pack

Before the Reveal,
Please ensure that you have connected a wallet holding the Launchpack NFT to OnePlanet
Please ensure that you have a sufficient amount of $MATIC to cover gas fees.

1. Connect Wallet on OnePlanet

Connect your wallet holding the Launchpack NFT to OnePlanet.

2. Go to Reveal Page

Go to the "DerbyStars Alpha Launch Pack Reveal Page (to-be-published)"
Or access the link by the following journeys:
1) Main Banner
3) Collection Page
2) Launchpad Page
4) NFT Item Page

3. Click [Reveal] button

On the "Available Items" tab, you will see a list of Launch Pack NFTs that can be revealed. Click the Reveal button if you want to redeem the pack!

4. Confirm the Reveal

If you Confirm the Reveal, the pack NFT will be burned and new NFTs will be minted.
Click on "Collection Approval" in your wallet (This process only takes place once, and requires a few gas fees)
Now you will have a TxHash for this transaction OnePlanet is utilizing Chainlink's VRF service to enhance randomness in the reveal process, so it might take up to 10 minutes to complete
Congrats! You will receive notifications at two times - Reveal in Progress / Reveal Completed

5. Check your Profile Page

You can check the newly revealed NFTs on your profile page! During the minting process, you will see a "Bringing from blockchain" sign
If you redeem the Launch Pack on OnePlanet, you will receive the following items!
Teddy Bear Outfit (Male) NFT
Rare Horse (Non-tradable NFT)
In-game Item Pack (10K $CRT + Game Items)
Learn more about the Derby Stars Launch Pack

6. Trade what you’ve got on OnePlanet

Want to join Unpack? Buy a new pack and game items on OnePlanet!
Is Reveal only possible on OnePlanet?
Can you see the revealed NFTs on the other marketplace?
What is the latest time I can do the Reveal?

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