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How to Mint with $CVTX

The last Carrieverse Land NFT sale will take place on October 31st, and you can choose your favorite types of land based on your preferences. Moreover, these NFTs can be minted with $CVTX exclusively on OnePlanet! Learn more about Carrieverse Land and $CVTX to get ready for the mint
About $CVTX
$CVTX is an ERC-20 native token that enhances the experience in Carrieverse, a Lifelogging Playland Metaverse Platform, while also empowering its ecosystem.
About Carrieverse Land NFT
Land NFTs, with 3 different categories, allow you to own industrial, commercial, and residential facilities that form the foundation of the economic system within Carrieverse.
 Learn more about Carrieverse and $CVTX, including its token usage

 How to get $CVTX

You can upgrade your Land NFTs with $CVTX for value accrual in earning or exchange your profits from Land NFTs into $CVTX.
Check CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko to find trading pairs of $CVTX on various exchanges
Mint Your Dream Land NFT!


How to see $CVTX token balance on OnePlanet?
Do I have to pay gas fees with $CVTX?