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Project Bio

Bringing web3 to the screen near you. Screena is the creator of the 1st Sandbox movie and the home of the Watch2Earn solution.


Bringing web3 to the screen near you

Screena is a web3 community of content lovers and creators.
Screena connects content to web3 with Watch2Earn solution by verifying users' content watching activities, creating W2E participation profiles with a whitelist, and delivering their POAPs through a link on
Screena is also a creator of the 1st Sandbox movie, Ok-nim Begins, and the official partner of The Sandbox, Screena’s vision is to complete a watch2earn ecosystem with web3 content creation and distribution network.

Origin Story of Screena

Started in early 2020 with a vision to integrate blockchain technology and the content industry, Screena began its journey by working with Busan International Film Festival to implement the blockchain IP market and NFT entrance ticket for the festival.
And November 2020, Screena built the foundation for its Watch2Earn vision with the launch of its Watch Party OTT service. Originally, Watch Party provided simple chatting and synchronized content streaming functions for a social watching experience, but the solution has grown with several viral watch parties, where more than 4,000 people gathered to participate in Watch2Earn events.

Ok-nim? Ok-nim!

Screena watchparty’s mascot is ‘Ok-nim’. Ok-nim is corn that did not become popcorn due to COVID-19. Ok-nim was loved by lots of watchparty members in different forms (emoji, offline goods, and others) and was given life as Screen’s official mascot and an NFT project in 2021.

Ok-nim Begins, Screena Rises

March 2022, Screena successfully expanded its content creation effort to the metaverse by releasing 'Ok-nim Begins', the first movie produced in The Sandbox, reaching more than 410,000 views on Twitter.
Following the success of its web3 native content creation, Screena officially launched Watch2Earn (Watch to earn) which combines content watching with an earn function. Where users will be able to directly receive rewards such as POAPs, NFTs, and points by watching content and gain an access to an exclusive community based on their Watch2Earn activity.
With its infinite love for content and the passion for web3, Screen’s ultimate goal is to combine web3 content creation with Watch2Earn to complete the web3 entertainment ecosystem


You will be able to find & trade the NFTs of this project only on OnePlanet in a few months. So please stay tuned