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The Mars

Project Bio
All the 5,000 of the Martians NFT were created by the automatically generated 100 different parts through programming out of 200M combinations. None of these images are identical, and the Martians NFT was created via Polygon chain and hosts images securely via IPFS.

‘The Mars’ is building a metaverse for everyone

The Mars Corp's proposed "The Mars" project is a secured and transparent economic ecosystem built on this Blockchain technology. The impact of the project will span both metaverse and real-world applications. The name was carefully chosen to reflect a pioneering and adventurous spirit.
The core team has more than 15 years of experience in the MMORPG game industry. They have successfully launched Web 3.0 NFT projects, 'The Martians' and 'MRST Mining Pet NFT’, with over $3 million in sales. 'The Mining App' game has reached over 800k downloads across multiple platforms with over 180k followings on their social media handles.
Now, the team is developing a metaverse gaming platform built on blockchain technology. This is scheduled to be released in 2024.
The worldview of this project is based on the Mars planet, the red planet humans have been trying to colonize for decades. Recently, Elon Musk's SpaceX has been making progress with this dream. This metaverse platform brings this dream to everyone in the metaverse community.
The Martians NFT: What You Need to Know
They started by launching a collection of 5,000 NFTs, which they called the Martians NFTs. These NFTs were minted on the Polygon Chain and hosted images securely via IPFS.
The initial sale price of each piece was slated at 0.1 ETH. During the trading, the highest floor price increased to 2.99 ETH. Also, on the 28th of February, 2022, 700 NFTs from the collection were auctioned at the Dutch Auction, and they were all sold within 2 minutes.
According to the white paper published by The Mars Corp, holders of the tokens are entitled to some benefits. These include IEO/IDO tickets, an invitation to company events, and early access to The Mars. The NFT also works as an exclusive membership card for the Mars ecosystem and platform.
“It is just beginning of our long journey”
By leveraging its budding community, The Mars Corp. hopes to control a substantial part of the virtual world. "The Mars' has a unique philosophy that has its basis on trust among the users," the community leaders said.
