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Project Bio

GraviCats is a collab between HellCats and GraviDAO, the team behind Lunar Assistant, to celebrate a partnership in building truly awesome NFT communities.


GraviCats, a community collab done right.


GraviCats is a collab between HellCats and GraviDAO, the team behind Lunar Assistant, to celebrate our partnership in building truly awesome NFT communities.
As a community project, we gifted a third of the supply to HellCats & Lunar Assistant NFT holders and Design-a-Trait contest winners. You can check out the contest submissions on our website, they were pretty cool!
In addition, all mint proceeds were reserved to find its way back to our Cats through exclusive Poker tournament prize pools.

Take on a role and join the gift economy!

”How can we make this a fun and rewarding community to be in?” With that question on our mind, we’re restarting the Poker tourneys and have designed a brand-new gamified Discord server for you to explore!
In there, you can earn Yellow and Cyan tokens for participating in the community. Tokens are earned by playing games, completing challenges from the Bounty Board or helping the cat collective in creative ways!
Come and hang out, we welcome every kind of stray cat. Exchange your tokens for new roles and whitelist spots, or save up for Gravi Coins to buy treasury NFTs. You like taking on more responsibility? Become a DAO contributor and write out bounties, spin-off community channels, host games, or anything else your crazy head can think off and earn a commission!
GraviCats is an NFT collection issued by the GraviDAO Foundation for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a security by any means. By buying and holding a GraviCat NFT you explicitly agree with the terms laid forth. The GraviDAO Foundation assumes no liability for any misconduct on behalf of the individual NFT owners. All GraviCats imagery stored on IPFS and recorded on a public blockchain in the form of an NFT is owned by the holders of said NFTs. Holders acquire all commercial rights to these images for as long a they can prove the NFT is stored in a blockchain wallet under their control. Intellectual Property rights for logos of third-party projects displayed in these images remains under the respective projects’ control. These include the Lunar Assistant logo, the HellCats logo, the Wagmimonkeez logo, the Terra JNKRZ logo and any other logos displayed in the images.


You will be able to find & trade the NFTs of this project only on OnePlanet in a few months. So please stay tuned